Tha Sala, Nakhon Si Thammarat

Tha Sala beach is 13 kilometers long and is located between two estuaries. The coastline starts east of the town of Tha Sala and continues north to Tasala Cabana. The coast is often higher than the beach, so to get to the beach you have to descend 1-2 meters via stairs.

Even at low tide the beach is narrow and at high tide it is mostly gone, in that case it is possible to sunbathe on the grass. There are often waves in the sea and strong winds can make swimming difficult at high tide.

Lately, there are more and more small hotels opening their doors. You will see locals relaxing for a few days. Most hotels are basic, but nowadays you can find good mid-class and more upper-class hotels too. If you like comfort, go to Tasala Cabana, Villa Kani Resort or PP. Beach Resort Tasala.

Color Beach Resort and Sai Kaew Hotel are basic options along this coast, and near Sai Kaew Hotel are other basic stays. The beach near Sai Kaew Hotel is rocky, but there is still room to lay down your towel although it can feel a little weird amongst all those day trippers. It is good to know that they don’t speak English here. At Color Beach Resort you can choose between a bamboo hut and a colorful concrete bungalow. The Thai owner speaks English.

Close to Sai Kaew Hotel is a charming museum, which has a collection of antique items to admire. The owner has been collecting antiques since her youth, many objects were bought from fishermen who collected the items from shipwrecks. The museum is small, and everything is categorized in order. During the day, buses full of Thai tourists come for a combined museum and beach visit. There are 2 beach restaurants where you can eat and drink and, if you are lucky, there will be karaoke.

It is possible to eat at the hotels, although you can also visit the food stalls in one of the surrounding villages.